Susan Moore Profile
....Hi,My names Susan
Moore,I was born in the Church of Christ...(Christchurch,Otautahi,New Zealand,Aotearoa, land of the Long white cloud,where
all there faeries hang out of corse....) I've also lived in Brisbane for 20 yrs and I started tat2in in our Brisbane
Studio in 98',by being my husband James lacky, and it kinda grew from there.
That old
saying "when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear",well it started then and hasn't stop yet,it started with meeting Raelene Robinson whom taugh me in the art of fine
line black n grey, Rae's style, something i'll b forever grateful 4....I've met many teachers since that time, to many
to name,..I am forever greatful for all my life learning's,good and bad....
told me to go home and paint something,so I did.....and since that time my whole life has changed.I've never had any
formal art training,I learn by watching,hence why I travel around getting tat2ed by the best of the best female artist's(some
gurls spend their money on shoes n clothes not me,travel and new tattoo's thats my thing at the moment anyway).I was pregnant
at 14 with our 1st daughter Kelly,fark I thought then, that my life was over....funny when ya look back and see how it all
works out.Now I'm 46,I feel this is the best time of my life.I'm learning every day,and life never fails to suprise me with awesome
creativity, growth/ beauty and wonder then just as quick,dam rite uglyness and out-rite unfairness...but alas such is
the balance I've learn't 2 believe.....
1 of Sue's legs...Sharon Williams Ta Moko Art |
My Phil-Off-far-C...
My Tilt on this journey We presantly call life
Farkin enjoy the Now...It's all U Have!!!!
Get Tattooed by a Reputable Artist at least
Be Honest...Tell people u really care about
the Truth...friends...parents...sister's...bro's..
Don't just do it....BE IT NOW....
Be Honourable...
Laugh Loud and Often....
Spread Smile's Not Frown's...
Sing & dance as Often & Loudly
as u can... the Goddess loves it....
Tell your children & your parents you
LOVE them,just the way they often as U Can!!!...
and for GOODNESS sake practise being happi
every moment U Can...
Lifes about healing the Self....Happi Healing!!!
I'm interesed in all kinds of art...but I'm mostly interested in painting and tat2in at
this stage of my journey,I'm always keen to meet other female tattoo artist's,and have so far meet and been tattooed
by Raelene Robinson Qld Aussie,Sharon Williams S.I.N.Z, Nadine Bryant Hamlton NZ,Suzy Q Perth Aussie,Lisa Schmoldt Florida
U.S.A.Emma Rox Christchurch NZ, Jak Parkin Christchurch
My own Ta Moko/Feary body art reflects my personal journey thus far. Some1 recently named
me the Ta Moko Feary....i think i liked it....
Always remember theres more than 1 way home... ;0)